.. _getting_started: Getting Started =============== Whether you are a developer or an end-user, this page will help you get started with the **peak-finder**. Installation ------------ Install Conda ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Install Conda for Python 3.10 or higher. Follow this link to download its Windows installer (~140 MB of disk space): `Miniforge `_ `(Windows x86_64) `_ .. figure:: /images/getting_started/Miniforge3_Setup-1.png :align: center :width: 200 .. figure:: /images/getting_started/Miniforge3_Setup-3.png :align: center :width: 200 Registering the Conda distribution as the default Python 3.10 interpreter is optional. Preferably uncheck that box if you already have Python 3 installed on your system. .. note:: We recommend installing **Miniforge**: beyond being smaller, it also installs packages from the conda-forge repository by default, which has no restriction for commercial use, while both Miniconda and Anaconda distributions use the Anaconda repository by default: see `Anaconda Terms of Service `_ for details. In any case, the installation of **peak-finder** forces the usage of the conda-forge repository, and is thus not affected by the Anaconda Terms of Service. Download the latest peak-finder ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Follow this link to `download from the GitHub repository `_. Extract the package to your drive (SSD if available) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Extract the package to your drive, preferably an SSD if available. .. figure:: /images/getting_started/extract.png :align: center :width: 50% Run ``Install_or_Update.bat`` ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The same batch file can be used to install or update **peak-finder**. A conda environment named ``peak-finder`` will be created to prevent conflicts with other software that may rely on Python. .. figure:: /images/getting_started/install_or_update.png :align: center :width: 50% .. note:: The assumption is made that Conda has been installed in one of the default directories, depending on the distribution (miniforge3, mambaforge, miniconda3, anaconda3): - %LOCALAPPDATA%\\ - %USERPROFILE%\\ - %LOCALAPPDATA%\\Continuum\\ - %PROGRAMDATA%\\ If Conda gets installed in a different directory, users will need to add/edit a ``get_custom_conda.bat`` file to add their custom path to the ``conda.bat`` file: .. figure:: /images/getting_started/Install_start_bat.png :align: center :width: 75% Running the application ----------------------- At this point, you will have all required packages to run the applications. Geoscience ANALYST pro users can run the application with a **ui.json** file by drag-and-drop: .. figure:: /images/getting_started/drag_and_drop.png :align: center :width: 75% or by Python menu dropdown by placing a **ui.json** file in the Python scripts folder. **1.** .. figure:: /images/getting_started/python_scripts_folder.png :align: center :width: 75% **2.** .. figure:: /images/getting_started/python_menu_uijson.png :align: center :width: 75% **3.** .. figure:: /images/getting_started/dropdown_scripts.png :align: center :width: 75% Either operation will result in the rendering of a ui.json file within the Geoscience ANALYST viewport. To learn about the ui.json interface and how to run the application in one of two modes, proceed to the :ref:`Basic Usage ` section.