.. _interactive_application: Interactive Application ======================= If you are using **peak-finder** through the interactive application you will see a window with visualizations and ui controls. The visualization contains both a section of data along a single line and a plan view to locate the chosen and adjacent lines and anomaly picks in cartesian space. .. figure:: /images/interactive/visualizations.png The ui controls section is divided into three subsections: - `Detection Parameters`_ - `Visual Parameters`_ .. figure:: /images/interactive/ui_controls.png Detection Parameters ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The detection parameters are those that the peak-finder application uses to tune the characterization and detection of anomalies within the data. Most of these are already described in the :ref:`Methodology` section. Follow the links for detailed descriptions of each parameter. .. figure:: /images/parameters/detection_parameters.png :align: left - :ref:`Smoothing window ` - :ref:`Minimum Amplitude (%) ` - :ref:`Minimum Value ` - :ref:`Minimum Width (m) ` - :ref:`Max Peak Migration (m) ` - :ref:`Minimum # Channels ` - :ref:`Merge # Peaks ` - :ref:`Max Separation ` Visual Parameters ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ This section controls the appearance of the plotting area. .. figure:: /images/parameters/visual_parameters.png :align: left N Outward Lines _______________ Number of lines to display on either side of the selected line in the plan view. The ``Survey figure`` option must be selected to see the effect of this parameter. .. figure:: /images/parameters/visualization/outward_lines_1.png The plan view with 1 outward line on either side of the selected line. X-axis Label ____________ Updates the label on the data section view x-axis. .. figure:: /images/parameters/visualization/section_xlabel.png The x-axis label is updated to reflect the selection. Y-axis Scaling ______________ Updates the scaling of the y-axis of the data section view Linear threshold ________________ When Symlog is chosen for Y-axis scaling, this parameter will set the region in which linear scaling is used. .. figure:: /images/parameters/visualization/linthresh_compare.png :scale: 60% Comparing the data visualization with a symlog linear threshold set to 10E-3.2 (left) and 10E-5.1 (right). Plot residuals ______________ Switches on and off the residual visualization that shows the difference between the raw and smoothed data. See the :ref:`Smoothing` section for more details. .. figure:: /images/parameters/visualization/residuals.png :scale: 40% The residual layer is used to show the effect of the smoothing factor. Plot markers ____________ Switches on and off the markers outlining the character of each anomaly .. figure:: /images/parameters/visualization/markers.png :scale: 40% Markers are used to indicate the left and right edges, the center, and the inflection point in curvature of each anomaly. Output Parameters ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Create trend line __________________ Run a trend line detection algorithm on the result of the Peak Finder algorithm. Results are stored as a curve object in the geoh5 file with the same group ID as the Peak Finder result. .. figure:: /images/parameters/visualization/trend_lines.png Save as _______ .. autoproperty:: peak_finder.params.PeakFinderParams.ga_group_name Name of the group in the geoh5 file where the results will be saved. The default is ``peak_finder``. Export ______ Run the algorithm with the parameters selected and save the result to geoh5.